Potty Training Your Pooch
According to experts, it's imperative to teach pets, especially puppies about proper hygiene as soon and as early as possible. But, note that you must remain realistic and not expect too much. Remember, much like babies, puppies are still in their formative years and should not expect to have full or adequate control of their sphincter muscle. Professionals point out that it's not uncommon for puppies up to six months old to use the living room floor or rug as a "potty". However, they note that with proper patience, love, and persistent training, such problems move to the past.

Devote a spot where your puppy IS allowed to "go" and point it out, making it evident to him that's what the place for use. Notice his patterns and bring him to the spot soon after he wakes up and after eating, drinking or playing. If, however, you catch your canine peeing or pooping in an inappropriate place, "escort" him to the proper area, reinforcing it as an acceptable bathroom spot.
Make sure also to keep a system of proper scolding and rewarding for behaviours. Compliment your pooch verbally and rub his ears and back each time he goes to the right spot. And, make sure that the "punishment" fits the "crime" and takes place immediately after the incident so that your pet can make the proper association.

Success depends on the repetition of action. Take that into account, and plan meals at regular times and intervals, about three times a day. Don't forget the beautiful long stoles and tons of hugs and kisses.!
Love Sweetie
Love Sweetie

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